
The Circle is a dynamic platform designed to unite the best and brightest of Babson's network with students and friends of the institution. Our mission is to foster an environment of connection, community, and collective learning. We believe in the power of networking to transform ideas into action and knowledge into innovation.

At The Circle, we are committed to creating one of the strongest networks of thought leaders on the planet. By bringing together diverse minds from various fields, we facilitate not just conversations, but also collaborations that lead to real-world impact. Our platform serves as a catalyst for mentorship, professional growth, and entrepreneurial success.

We offer a unique space where the current and future leaders can share insights, engage in meaningful discussions, and build lasting relationships. The Circle is more than a network; it's a community where every member contributes to the collective wisdom and where every connection opens a door to new possibilities.

Join us at The Circle, where ideas meet action, leaders meet learners, and every member plays a role in shaping a brighter, more innovative future.

Our Value Proposition

  • Connectivity

    At The Circle, you gain unparalleled access to a network of Babson's most distinguished alumni, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders. This isn't just networking; it's about building meaningful relationships that can change the trajectory of your career and personal growth.

  • Mentorship

    Directly engage with seasoned professionals and industry pioneers. Whether you're a student seeking guidance, an entrepreneur needing insight, or a professional aiming for the next big leap, mentorship within The Circle is a game-changer.

  • Collaborative Learning

    We believe in the collective power of knowledge. The Circle is your platform for shared learning experiences, where insights, trends, and innovative ideas are exchanged, fostering personal and professional development.

  • Inclusivity

    While rooted in Babson's rich heritage, The Circle welcomes friends and partners of the Babson community, creating a diverse and inclusive environment. This diversity is our strength, providing varied perspectives and richer learning experiences.

  • Opportunity Creation

    The Circle is more than a passive network; it's an active ecosystem where opportunities are created. From job offers and collaborations to startups and partnerships, the connections made here have tangible, real-world outcomes.

  • Leadership Development

    We nurture the next generation of leaders. The Circle provides the tools, resources, and networks to help you lead with confidence in your field, community, or entrepreneurial ventures.

Added Benefits

  • Engage with our dynamic network via a dedicated Slack workspace, ideal for real-time interactions and collaborative projects.

  • Attend member-only gatherings, ranging from formal dinners to casual meetups, designed to foster personal and professional relationships.

  • Gain access to both online and in-person conferences and seminars, focusing on entrepreneurship, leadership, and current industry trends.

  • Connect with experienced mentors across various fields, offering personalized guidance and insights.

  • Meet potential investors and business leaders for funding, partnerships, or investment advice.

  • Participate in workshops and sessions to enhance professional skills and knowledge.

  • Leverage a variety of platforms and events to expand your professional network and build meaningful connections.

  • Benefit from facilitated introductions to key individuals within the network, ensuring meaningful and beneficial connections.

Our Membership Model

Model Explained

At The Circle, our unique model bridges the gap between alumni and students like never before, creating numerous touchpoints for interaction, learning, and growth. To sustain and enhance this level of engagement, we implement a yearly membership fee, and here's why:

Sustaining Quality and Diversity of Services

Our platform offers a multitude of services, from well-orchestrated networking events to comprehensive mentorship programs. The membership fee is crucial in maintaining the high quality of these offerings. It helps cover the costs associated with organizing diverse events (both virtual and in-person), maintaining our digital platforms for continuous engagement, and developing new programs that meet the evolving needs of our members.

Facilitating Valuable Interactions

The Circle is dedicated to fostering meaningful connections. This involves creating opportunities for alumni and students to interact in various settings - mentorship sessions, industry talks, workshops, and social events. The logistics, coordination, and resources required for these interactions are supported by the membership fees, ensuring that each touchpoint is valuable and impactful.

Investing in Technology and Innovation

To keep up with the dynamic nature of networking and engagement, we continually invest in technology. This includes maintaining a robust online platform, integrating new tools for better communication, and providing resources that facilitate seamless interactions. Your membership fee directly contributes to these technological advancements.

Supporting Administrative and Operational Costs

Running a platform as expansive as The Circle requires a dedicated team for administration, planning, and execution. The membership fee supports the operational costs, ensuring that the platform runs smoothly and efficiently.

Ensuring Inclusivity and Accessibility

While we charge a fee for alumni and certain other members, we strive to keep the platform accessible to current students and recent graduates. This approach ensures that financial barriers do not hinder the participation of younger members who stand to benefit greatly from the network.

Long-Term Growth and Expansion

Your contributions through membership fees enable us to think long-term, plan for future growth, and expand our reach. This ensures that The Circle continues to evolve as a leading networking platform, offering unparalleled opportunities to its members.

In essence, the membership fee is not just a cost but an investment in a community that offers unrivaled connections and opportunities. It's our commitment to providing an exceptional platform where every member finds value, connection, and growth.

Questions? Get in Touch!

Your journey with The Circle starts with a single step. Whether you're dreaming of launching a business, transforming a hobby into a passion project, or sharing a unique idea with a vibrant community, we're here to help your story unfold. The Circle is where aspirations take flight and connections turn into collaborations. If you have any questions, thoughts, or just a spark of curiosity, don't hesitate to reach out. We're more than a network; we're a community eager to support and amplify your ambitions. Get in touch today, and let's make something incredible together!